By combining the Digital Core era with SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), we now have an unprecedented opportunity to provide context and visibility into our customers’ most challenging business problems. The power of HANA can be combined with the robust visual language of SAP Analytics Cloud to provide a unique avenue for Planning.
As of May 2018, SAP Central Finance has helped 40 live customers (out of 220 active projects) integrate source systems into S/4HANA. The Central Finance Exchange event hosted by TruQua and Magnitude was the opportunity to take a snapshot of the Central Finance customer base. Twenty-two customers attending the North America Central Finance EXCHANGE event answered the survey revealing surprising insights.
This blog will be the first in a series of five blog posts which examine the benefits and use cases for SAP’s FS-PER solution.
This blog, which is Part 1 of our six-part SAP BPC 11.0 series will focus on budget initialization, including an introduction to the Web & Excel user interfaces, copy versions, top-down allocations, HR budgeting driver, and work status and business process flows.
The purpose of this blog is walk through a real-world scenario that showcases how SAP Fiori apps can be extended using the SAP Cloud Platform. SAP Fiori applications are a revolutionary step forward for business users, streamlining key business processes, and providing centralized, role based applications for end users.