Pushing past limitations: Optimizing SAP BPC performance at Dell EMC

The Challenge

Dell EMC, a multinational corporation specializing in the storage, management, protection, and analysis of data, was under pressure after a TruQua competitor steered them through an unsuccessful rollout of their SAP BPC platform. With a limited budget and a six-month completion timeline, Dell EMC turned to TruQua to handle the challenge. Part of the complexity of the task was the fact that Dell EMC relied on massive amounts of Oracle-based custom code. Even further compounding the difficulty, Dell EMC required that TruQua’s solution use no server-side code or business add-ins while also preventing any loss in the functionality they enjoyed with Hyperion.

The Details

SAP Business Planning and Consolidation

SAP Business Planning and Consolidation

The SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (SAP BPC) application delivers planning, budgeting, forecasting, and financial consolidation capabilities. This functionality makes it possible to easily adjust plans and forecasts, speed up budget and closing cycles, and ensure compliance with financial reporting standards.

The Activation

Using SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, TruQua activated the following features for Dell EMC:

  • Cost-center-based budgeting and planning
  • Full headcount reporting and analytics
  • Hierarchy-based optimization of headcount retrievals
  • Capital expenditures tracking
  • 18-month rolling forecasts to augment appreciation calculations
  • Master data reorganization, which took Dell EMC from 60,000 to 15,000 cost-centers
  • Integration with PeopleSoft
  • Worldwide re-education on the new system using end-to-end templates, extensive ad hoc report training, and how-to guide

The Outcome

At the conclusion of this implementation, TruQua achieved the following outcomes for Dell EMC:

  • Operated within a six-month timeline from project start to go-live
  • Oversaw 450 companies as they closed consolidations, planning, and forecasting
  • Provided access to over 870 users, connecting them to complex financial, capital, and headcount data
  • Used hierarchy-based optimization to optimize performance from 15 minutes to 30 seconds for certain tasks


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